Fiona came in yesterday and we made this poster from an illustration of hers, then we went around a bit to do some postering. Enigmatic and all seeing, we both felt it was a good vibe to be putting out into the world on International Women’s Day.
Meet our first Public-Maker in Residence, illustrator Fiona Avocado.
Over the last few weeks Fiona, our first resident within the 9th Ward Publication Residency Program (9W / PRP) has been stopping by the shop, thinking through ideas and projects that she’d like to work on this month. Yesterday we finished production on This is How You Quit, a two color mini-comic of Fiona’s inspired by quitting her job and giving in to life. We fully support her desire to “give up.”
Fiona, as with all future 9WPRP residents lives in the neighborhood. Actually, just a block away from Beyond Repair to be exact. A self-described “artist, writer, media maker, educator, and agitator,” Fiona has produced many comics and illustrations, often taking aspects of her daily life as a subtle entrance point to engage larger social issues.