Fri, Jan. 13, 2017 ⁄ 7:00–9:00pm
Beyond Repair & Eastlake Craft Brewery are collaborating towards an on-going platform to democratically fund neighbor devised and implemented projects for the 9th Ward that energize creative strategies supporting well-being and personal freedom against racism, xenophobia, misogyny and all that other pile of crap that seems to be, increasingly, a-okay nowadays.
Join us on Jan. 13th at the brewery. Tell your friends. Drink some delicious beer. Propose a project. Win some money. Do some good with it. Come back next time and tell us what’s what.
Get Brewing! : A Micro Funding/Brewing Platform Supporting Neighborhood Creative Engagement for Defense and Wellness in South Minneapolis
Beyond Repair and Eastlake Craft Brewing have devised a micro-grant presentation platform – Get Brewing! – established to promote and support creative social engagement around defense and wellness in the 9th Ward neighborhoods of Powderhorn, Central, and Phillips. Modeled after FEAST (“a recurring public dinner designed to use community-driven financial support to democratically” fund project proposals) Get Brewing! invites 9th Ward neighbors to individually or collaboratively propose projects that imaginatively address how we, as neighbors, can care for, assist, and protect one another within this moment of unease.
Every other Friday at 7pm, starting January 13th, drop by Eastlake for a beer. Propose a project, or simply listen in on the great ideas of your fellow neighbors. Proposals will be voted on by all in attendance. With $2 from every full-size beer sold to participants that evening going into the Get Brewing! fund, the winner walks away with that night’s profits to help support the realization of their idea. Winners return at the next gathering of Get Brewing! to share what they’ve done.
Within a moment where distrust and fear, hate crimes, and general unease are at a fever pitch, models and actions that address how we care for one another, as well as ourselves, are not simply a good idea, but vital social tools for mental health and personal freedom in advance of crisis. Get Brewing! creates a social space to critically address these concerns and highlight methods of support for one another from the ground up. With communal intent we, as neighbors, can energize ideas that benefit us all, starting with our neighbors most at risk within a climate of heightened aggression and intolerance.
Have a beer!
Come up with an idea!
Commit to one another!
Repeat as necessary!!
Sat, Oct. 15, 2016 ⁄ 2:00–8:00pm
Surround Sound: A Neighborhood Record Lathe Fundraiser
Join the folks who facilitate Beyond Repair, the 9th Ward publication experiment, for a day long festival of music, food, and more to benefit the refurbishment of a new piece of equipment for the shop: a mid-century record lathe able to produce vinyl records in real time. When up and running our lathe will, in just the same fashion that Beyond Repair publishes books, zines, and posters everyday, be able to lathe vinyl records. Moving around the ideas and desires, sounds and voices, of 9th Ward residents as well as compatriots further afield our lathe will assist in producing an ever expanding Anthology of 9th Ward Folkways! Noise! Mariachi! Cumbia! Dhaanto! Hip Hop! Voices and experiences that define our lives here in the ward together as neighbors.
Tiny Diner has generously donated the proceeds of food and drink to the fundraiser, and has opened their space for day long festivities. Among more to come, Eastlake Brewery has generously dontated beer for the occasion!
Current Beyond Repair resident Derek Maxwell will unveil and make use of his home-made sound system during Surround Sound, inspired by the early dub and hip-hop systems that brought neighbors far and wide together in celebration and resistance from Kingston to the South Bronx.
Long-time collaborator and neighbor Steven Matheson has organized a stellar and growing ensemble of performers, which so far include:
American Cream
Steve Palmer
Paul Metzger
Bullhead City
Paul Fonfara
More news, ideas, and performers to come!