Fiona came in yesterday and we made this poster from an illustration of hers, then we went around a bit to do some postering. Enigmatic and all seeing, we both felt it was a good vibe to be putting out into the world on International Women’s Day.
Little H has been sick with a cough and fever for the last two days. So, we’ll be opening late this afternoon, at around 2pm, when her great aunt arrives to tag out. In the meantime; snuggles, reading, coffee, naps.
It’s here! The first collection within the new Arrow Editions series of dialogues in critical spacial practice, Robby Herbst‘s Ceremony of Us. Check it out!!!
The first title in the new Arrow Editions series is done! Check out Robby Herbst’s Ceremony of Us: Bodies, Movement, Encounter, Power. Soooooooo rad. Thanks, Robby.
Labor Camp’s gigantic print roll in the midst of being moved to a secret location where we’ll be printing banners non-stop for sometime to come, and more!!!
A lovely day postering around the neighborhood with Piotr and his students getting word out about Beyond Repair and Public Address’ new radio platform, With Radical Love & Fierce Resistance Radio.
Very happy that these eyes, designed and printed at the shop, could play a small part in tonight’s action at MoMA, asking the museum to ask board member Larry Fink to resign. Fink, CEO of. Blackrock Capital, is an adviser to Trump and holds trillions of dollars of student debt as one of their major assets.
Crystal stopped into the shop the other day so that she could print these out. Policia asked if she’d table these and the Matchbook Club “rejection” matchbooks at their First Ave. show.
So if these witches don’t show up at every protest, okay or just everyday, everywhere, I am going to be seriously bummed. Also, I think we should all join this coven.